Help Us Protect Areas of Environmental Concern: Improve R.I. House Bill 5789

Help Us Protect Areas of Environmental Concern: Improve R.I. House Bill 5789

Friends, we need you to contact your representatives today!

Save The Bay supports efforts to increase renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, as Rhode Island works to incentivize renewable energy development, we must avoid areas of environmental concern and encourage solar development in already disturbed areas (such as brownfields, landfills, gravel pits, and parking lots.) Areas of concern include core forest, forested tracts of 250 acres or more, natural heritage areas and habitats with high ecological value and high vulnerability.

Forests absorb water, reduce runoff, recharge groundwater, prevent erosion and filter pollutants before they enter reservoirs, lakes, rivers and streams that flow to the Bay. The health of Narragansett Bay is heavily influenced by land use changes, and can suffer if forest areas are cut down for solar development.

House Bill 5789 —as currently written—would maintain incentives for renewable energy projects, up to 4 megawatts or about 20 acres, in areas of environmental concern. Stand with Save the Bay and let your legislators know that Rhode Island should not support development in these sensitive areas via various renewable energy incentives. We can do both, promote renewable energy and protect our important natural resources.

Contact Your Representative Today!

The first hearing is on Thursday, March 14 at 5 p.m. in State House Room 101.

Find Your Representative Here

Call or email your State Representative, and…

  • Tell them the health of Narragansett Bay depends on protecting areas of environmental concern
  • Ask them to remove language in H. 5789 that allows renewable energy development in areas of environmental concern
  • Thank them for their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Rhode Island and protect Narragansett Bay

If you have questions, contact our Advocacy Coordinator Jed Thorp.

Thank you for taking action!